Why you should get a language learning solution to teach foreign languages ?

Why you should get a language learning solution to teach foreign languages ?

Investir laboratoire de langues

Language labs are valuable to students because they offer a more efficient and reliable way to practice their foreign language. New technology makes it easy for teachers to interact with their students and provide them with up-to-date assignments.
Language labs provide practice in an entertaining and interactive way to acquire the 4 main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students learn more comprehensively: they can practice speaking and listening in an environment where they can connect with other students who are also learning.
We’ve created a list of 10 reasons why a language lab is an excellent investment.

1) Language learning is much faster

Students learn better in a language lab. It is the best way to practice the basics of a language and understand the concepts that are introduced in class. Languages can be learned quickly and effectively in interactive courses, which use a progressive methodology to allow students to integrate all of the different aspects of a language. Language labs provide students with the opportunity to practice their vocabulary and grammar skills through interactive activities.

2) Hybrid Learning

A language Lab software allows teachers to teach their courses online, from anywhere using any device, following an hybrid approach. Students can use a mobile device to learn in real-time while they are at home. Hybrid learning is a combination of both in-person and online teaching styles. Whereas traditional e-learning uses online content as a supplement for more traditional face-to-face classroom instruction, hybrid learning puts the two together, merging online and offline learning into a single experience.

3)The role of the teacher is ever-important in language labs

There is a fear on the part of educators that technology will eventually replace the role of the teacher. However, the language lab is only a great supplement for teachers who want to enrich their lessons with some extra supplemental materials and learning tools. By using technology, teachers can provide students with resources and supplements that only enhance a class’s content and make learning more engaging. In language labs, teachers can eliminate all the unnecessary work they are doing to prepare lessons. When they have everything they need in a single location, it’s easy for them to teach more efficiently.

4) More resources are used in a language lab than in a classroom

Language labs can be the most effective way to teach students. A language lab is an interactive online environment where teachers and students work together to study a language and build vocabulary and grammar skills. It is also often used in conjunction with other resources, such as textbooks, and it incorporates video, and audio, which makes learning lively.

5) Language labs also encourage communication between students and teachers

Some language lab solutions, such as Labopractice,  allow a live chat  with the whole class or with students individually. With online school’s one-on-one teacher and student interactions however, students are able to learn faster, master more material, remember  better the lessons.

6) Accessible technologies

Teachers can use a language lab easily to create highly interactive and interactive learning environments, where students can learn in their natural environment without using complicated technology.

7) Evaluating and tracking student progress

Evaluating and tracking student progress is a critical component of  teaching and learning. Language labs perfect  for student assessment: teachers know how each student is doing in the classroom. With LaboPractice Classroom, the teacher can monitor the student’s screen, listen to what he/she is doing without him/her knowing, talk with him/her and correct his/her answers live. Thus, the teacher can closely follow the progress of each student.

8) Learning a new language feeling more at ease

A language labs provide learners with minimal anxiety while they are learning the language in an effective way. The student does no longer fear the scrutiny of others when with a language learning lab solution. In addition, Labopractice is user-friendly, which makes it possible to gain confidence and encourage the student to participate. All this help students to progress in their written and oral expression.

9) More fun

The future of teaching is in the hands of technology. The use of computer-based technology increases the learning speed and retention of students. Foreign language software can be used to teach students English and make it available to them online at any time. Students tend to be engaged by the multilingual educational software and are able to learn foreign languages effectively.

10) Better Attention

A language lab solution is a stimulating software that helps students focus and benefit from the experience. The student’s attention is captured during the whole educational session, with a variety of media, and a tool that challenges the students’ knowledge, allowing them to do make strides. Professors can to create engaging lessons that fully capture the attention of students.

Learning a new language was traditionally accomplished through audio recordings and rote learning. This passive approach is being replaced by more effective techniques that rely less on memorization. We need new ways to make language learning more engaging for students. Language labs can help us do that by helping students find the right language learning experience. Students interested in learning a new language thrive when language  labs are transformed into active learning spaces!

Thanks to these 10 reasons, you now know that using a language laboratory in a school, college, high school, university or other establishment, can be really interesting. Improving students’ language skills through didactic multimedia content is an investment in education, particularly for their international openness: internships or semesters abroad, trips to the end of the world

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