Which digital resources can help you teach Spanish?

Which digital resources can help you teach Spanish?

Ressources numériques enseigner espagnol

As a Spanish teacher, you are constantly looking for new ideas to make your language lessons more interesting and fun for your pupils or students, whether in school, college or high school.

At LaboPractice, we know that it can be difficult to find the resources you need for teaching Hispanic, or any other language.

To help you prepare for your online Spanish lessons, we share our favourite free digital resources available on the web.

Lyrics training: learning with music

Lyrics Training is a Spanish-learning tool. Students can choose your level from Beginner to Expert, and then select a music video to watch. Spanish lyrics will be shown to your students, but some words are missing. They will then listen to the song and fill in the missing words before the video pauses lyrics by listening to and watching the music video.

Virtual Cervantes: a library at your fingertips

The Cervantes Virtual Library is one of the most important cultural institutions in Mexico. The Cervantes Virtual library has a variety of PDFs that are interesting to read. Our LaboPractice solution allows you to use PDF documents to complement your lessons.

Spanish 4 teacher : resources for everyone

Spanish4Teacher is a treasure trove of digital learning resources designed specifically for teachers. It offers free teaching resources, lesson plans, worksheets, Powerpoint presentations, texts, activities, ideas, and even more. These free learning resources are compatible with LaboPractice that can be used to centralise all your media assets and offer fun and interesting activities to your students.

SpanishPod101 : convenient and versatile

This is an excellent tool in Spanish. With educational resources in the form of podcasts and downloadable lessons, you can really get your students interested and involved to keep them focused in class. You’ll also find lessons in a variety of formats, including videos, vocabulary databases and a grammar dictionary, ideal for helping your class progress.

In addition to these websites with interesting digital resources, we also focus on a platform that everyone knows and which is full of fun content: Youtube. This platform is a real digital treasure trove and a great way to teach Spanish to your students in secondary schools or training centres. There are many channels offering videos related to language teaching in a school setting. These can be used in LaboPractice for your exercises or school activities.

Spanish Like a Pro!

We love this channel! It combines solid Spanish learning with fun. Paired with the adorable puppets, it’s easy to learn vocabulary, verbs, grammar, memes, and much more.

Why Not Spanish?

This channel is aimed at beginner and intermediate language students. The lessons feature Cody, a Spanish student, and his Spanish teacher.

Cette chaîne s’adresse aux élèves de langues de niveau débutant et intermédiaire. Les leçons mettent en scène Cody, un élève d’espagnol, et son professeur d’espagnol.

El blog para aprender español

If you’re looking for a review of Spanish verbs, for your students, or want them to  find out about a particular aspect of the Spanish language, this channel has got everything you need. Here you will find up-to-date videos in Spanish covering just about every aspect of the Spanish language. The average length is about 5 minutes, which makes them easy to watch in class or when students are studying at home.

The different tools we have just listed help to create a school environment that is conducive to language teaching, and in particular to the teaching of Spanish. The goal is to get students engaged and motivated., whether in secondary school or high school. That way, Spanish teachers who wish to improve their teaching methods can provide their students with the most appropriate and motivating resources for success.

Want to know more?

Do not hesitate to contact our team for a video or phone presentation of our digital solution LaboPractice. You can already download the latest version and discover its new features.

N’‘hésitez pas à contacter notre équipe pour une présentation en visio ou par téléphone de notre solution numérique LaboPractice. Vous pouvez d’ores et déjà télécharger notre dernière version et découvrir ses nouvelles fonctionnalités.