
Increase your students’ chances of success in languages

The web version of the Student Player has been awaited by the teaching community and is now online. Students can now participate in online educational sessions from any device connected to the Internet: personal computer, tablet or mobile, your students can participate orally and increase their chance of success.

LaboPractice available again!

After a few weeks of interruption due to the fire of our host, LaboPractice is back in force! Because we don’t like to stand still, we took the opportunity to make a complete overhaul of the site; new website, new features and especially the Web Player which allows your students to work in an Internet browser.

advantages of the language laboratory

Discover the 5 advantages of LaboPractice

Teaching languages is one of the best jobs in the world. Encouraging the oral participation of its students, helping them discover a country and a culture are all educational contributions in the life of a student, young or old. To make learning easier, we have designed a digital solution with, and for, language teachers. Let’s discover the five advantages of choosing LaboPractice.